Thursday, 12 April 2007

Cycle Crash!

No- haven't fallen off my bike yet. In fact haven't been on my bike yet as the pin in my leg still giving a bit of trouble. The cycle crash is as a result of coming off the steroids again after Days 1- 4. of the Cycle ( now into my second cycle). Day 5 I usually feel tired but OK. Day 6 seems to be when it hits me and its really hit me this time- very tired and sleepy. I do though also have a chest thingy and am on antibiotics for that- so that maybe contributes to the tiredness too. I also built a decking area in the garden at the weekend when on the steroids so maybe some of it is self inflicted! But there is something about two days after the steroids when my body does slow down a bit and I can feel all the aches and pains. But not a major issue. And on the scale of things not a worry- especially after the great paraprotein result.

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