Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Diabetes, jaw, abseiling and Scottish stereotype!

Was at diabetes clinic today. On Saturday I actually had my first hypoglycaemic attack ( a hypo!). As I said in my last post my blood sugar levels have been falling despite me reducing my insulin. So went off to see Diabetic Specialist nurse today and decision made I should see what happens if I take no insulin. So experiment tonight and tomorrow morning and then Gill will call me to discuss what's happened. I'll probably need to take insulin when I start my 6th cycle with the steroids on Friday. So - interesting issue- is my body no longer needing the help it gets from insulin. Watch this space- but no injections tonight or tomorrow.

Also at WGH dentist this morning and the thinking is that there is some improvement in my jaw/bone where I had the "maybe" osteonecrosis. Again still no definitive statement yet but certainly no need for intervention.

I get really well looked after as my GP ( hope you're not reading this Bill) called on Monday to see how I was- with going to hospital more I see him less. Great to get such care though its clear he and I have been seeing each other for a long time now. He told me that for my Xmas he's going to buy me an abseiling outfit so he can worry less about me on the roof looking after my solar panels. Its me that's meant to crack the jokes.

I also found my self living up to a true Scottish stereotype. As you know I've bought electronic pipes( can't play the real things as my elbow won't let me). To hear them properly I needed an amplifier. The pipes cost me over £300 but I found myself buying an amplifier at £29 - about the cheapest you can get. My thinking was is that if my predicted survival time is short then then why waste money on an expensive amplifier!! Needless to say Elspeth and my jam session friend and kids have put me right on that one and a new better amplifier is on its way. Reminds of the time in hospital when I thought the end was coming and I spent valuable time trying to find a receipt for a new pair of trousers so my wife could get a refund!

1 comment:

Don said...


I just saw an article go by in a "bulk mailing" that could be of interest to you. It suggests that the addition of statin drugs can help keep your myeloma from building resistance to Velcade, but it may do the same for Revlimid. Here's the email article:


Eur J Haematol. 2007 Jul 26; [Epub ahead of print]

First clinical experience with simvastatin to overcome drug
resistance in refractory multiple myeloma.

Schmidmaier R, Baumann P, Bumeder I, Meinhardt G, Straka C, Emmerich B.

Department of Hematology and Oncology, Medizinische Klinik
Innenstadt – Klinikum der Universität München, Munich, Germany.

In vitro statins overcome cell adhesion-mediated drug resistance at non-toxic concentrations that are achievable in humans by standard dose simvastatin. A pilot phase-II trial was initiated to determine feasibility and antimyeloma efficacy. In six myeloma patients refractory to two cycles of bortezomib or bendamustine, simvastatin was concomitantly administered during further two cycles. The therapy
was well tolerated without grade 3/4 toxicity. Intrapatient (cycles I/II vs. III/IV) and interpatient comparison (vs. ten patients without simvastatin) showed reduction of drug resistance by inhibition of HMG-CoA-reductase. In summary, this is the first phase II experience to study antimyeloma activity of statins in humans.

PMID: 17655704 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]


Just something for your doctors to think about.
